Hi Jim thank you for writing this articlal it helped me with my decision to enter the mormon church, I’m 18 years old and I previously gone to church with friends when I lived in Utah I now live in Las Vegas and both my parents aren’t that religious and my mother has a slight distane for mormons so I’m going to be walking to the church near me, but this arrival has cemented that I would like to go to LDS chruch and eventually become a mormon. I understand this may seem rude or sarcastic, but I assure you its not. I just learned that my boss and his family are Mormons and I want to understand and be supportive of him. My family are Baptists and my older brother is Mormon. My faith in Christ is the most important aspect of my life, and this blog is where I get to share my beliefs. I’m just very confused on it’s purpose. What else should I be doing? The proof of God is all around you. By performing vicarious baptism, we provide the deceased with the opportunity to CHOOSE to accept the baptism done for them on earth. It's not exactly that they CAN'T do it, it's that they are advised against doing them. It didn\’t change their opinion on me, and if it did, they didn\’t show it. I have been a member of this church my entire life.  We are a very family-centric church. I hope I have not offended you, as that is not my intention at all, I am considering going back to the church, I was only 10 when we left. That’s another topic for another day. My husband and I have had a rough couple of years. Every person that I have met of the Mormon Religion has been friendly and nonjudgmental.  Just the fact that you were searching for this shows to me that you care about respecting the religion of others. However, it wasn’t at all uncommon in the early 1800s when people commonly got married consensually at young ages. And extremely polite and well mannered… with hoy a single exceptión. Thank you for providing such a comprehensive source of information. I wish more people would take the time to look up different religions and get a better understanding of them before they condemn them. Hi, Jim. All of these things are untrue, but Mormons do abide by a lot of rules laid down by their church. Drinking alcohol is prohibited by the Word of Wisdom. I have just met with 2 elders, THE nicest of guys you could ever meet. 🙂. They also follow a general dress codethat … No, not all Mormons follow all the commandments. What I would do is to simply tell your parents what you’re feeling and that you’d simply like their support for you in trying to learn more. I try to go to church as much as I can I just walk to it on Sundays. I will say this much. The Lord commanded him “It is better that one man should perish than an entire nation fall into disbelief.”. Well thanks for this I was really curious! I’m going to Springville, UT in september. Thank you once again! I want to show my GODs love to people and serve. i still talk to her daily but when i ask to video chat with blaze i get crickets. All of us have weaknesses, struggles, trials, and none of us are perfect. As long as you sit in a pew (on Sunday’s when you feel like it) and don’t think about sins as actual sins, it’s ok. And a prayer is adequate repent. i have tons of mormons at school and some of them are not very mormon like ex: drink caffeine , but she's 16 and according to some of the kids i've heard that when ure 16 u have more freedom....so what can and cant you do if ure mormon?!?! I’m going off of what I’ve read thus far and also a good amount of stuff I’ve googled trying to get a grasp of what you guys believe. No dishonesty. Revelations 22:18-19 says, “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. “What Mormons do in this election matters — not only politically, in swing states such as Arizona, but in terms of the church’s own reputation and even its missionary efforts,” she wrote. They manipulated people saying the contrary of what they were telling us. However, I have had too many experiences to count that have confirmed to me the knowledge of God and that the Bible contains God’s teachings. Thanks for your comment, Mixhelle. I would just like you to tell me if what I have learned is true or not: But not many! Why would God send a good person to hell? However, because the temple ceremony is for those who have already been baptized and keep the commandments, new visitors to the Mormon church should go to a regular church building and not a temple for your first visit. Thank you for this information it was very helpful. Because it seems that you’re asking for the church’s official position on this question, you can read this article to understand that. I wrote an article about how to attend a Mormon worship service for the first time here: https://purposeinchrist.com/mormon-churches-public/ There are thousands of church buildings around the world and I’m sure there’s one near you. 😉 Unfortunately, they did not behave the way you describe your religion. Mormon Rules on Hair Styles. Purpose In Christ is owned and operated by Income School LLC. I notice that you are allowed to drink coke which has been proven to cause cancer. Would they be forced out of the church? Again, thank you for being so thoughtful. Baptism for the dead may seem different at first, but we believe what Christ said in the Bible (John 3:5) that a man cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven without baptism. Each month, over 30,000 people come to this site to learn about the basic beliefs of my religion, and it's my privilege to share about it. They might be skeptical and ask questions, but they will certainly be grateful that you let them know. I own an online company where I create websites which are read by millions of people. need some help on what to do, what is you advice. Wow, this post has brought so much comfort to me in a time of need. Do not engage in same-sex relationships. Some Mormons do … You frankly will never find another purpose to life. I was married when I was 22 and my wife was 20. https://www.comeuntochrist.org/site/free-book-of-mormon Simply type your address in and two missionaries will come to your house and read the scriptures with you and can walk you through this process of slowly allowing your faith to grow. I don’t feel I should need to do so again since Jesus died on the cross for my sins. Finding that connection makes everything in life meaningful.”. Thanks so much for your time! And you have to be a worthy and active member. I am part of the LGBT community and I often get tired of people being so rude to me about it when i’ve done nothing to them with their excuse being, ” it’s wrong because it’s in the bible.” Straight white cis religious men actually repulse me sometimes when they try to belittle my happiness when it “threatens” their beleifs so much. Then, don’t allow this to stress you, because you can have 100% confidence that the Lord’s desire will be done. Donate 10% or more of your income to charity and the building up of the kingdom of God. I guarantee you’ll find good people who are just like you who will welcome you warmly. Are you currently meeting with missionaries? Once i see some proof, I’ll take everything i’ve ever said back. Thank you 🙂. I’m so happy to hear that you’re meeting with the missionaries. I enjoyed reading and learning more about being Mormon. To me, you sound like a good person who God loves. You can also subscribe without commenting. Some of them struggled at first... Temples are often some of the most beautiful buildings in any city, and many people would like to visit them to see what they are like inside. I’m so sorry to hear that happened! Many LDS women work full-time. Being Mormon when everyone else in your family before you was not, make sit somewhat challenging, but I’ve always loved a challenge! Are missions manditory or a actually call/passion from God? I wish I could jump through the internet and just talk with you for a few minutes. Thank you for this article. She would only allow me to visit him if she, her husband and her other kids came along for the visit.  This helps them to prevent temptation to sexual sin. I do everything I can to be friendly and open on this site. I do not think it is good to judge others, lest you be judged. She lives a mile from me. Thank you so much for this post. Hiya. So my advice would be to simply be yourself. If people can still be Mormon and break those rules. I have only found this trait to be common with fraudulent claims, as even the Christian Church welcomes empirical research into the history of Jesus of Nazareth. A careful reading of the verse you cited gives us the answer, “the words of the prophecy of THIS scroll…THIS scroll of prophecy…” John specifically mentions repeatedly his warning to those who changed HIS words in that book. Mormons don’t use alcohol, tobacco, coffee, or tea. Just pray one time. Just this week I saw a family with a sick mother be absolutely swarmed with people bringing dinners, taking her to doctor appointments, helping the kids get to events, etc. Thanks for helping me understand your religion a little bit better. However, we are in a society where it is unrealistic to expect everyone to treat others well. As a bisexual man, you will be welcomed with open arms at church. 🙂 Both men and women, however, should dress in a respectful and modest way. The purpose of our church is not to be a gathering place for perfect people, but a place for anyone who wants to be better to come and learn how we can follow Christ. Like can mormons consume cannabis? Thank you for your comment. There are MANY single moms in the church and you’ll be warmly welcomed–I can assure you. (Actually, scratch that. From some of the posts it sounds as if folks sadly have Mormons mixed up with Jehovah’s Witnesses.  We are taught that serving others makes us happy. Whether rejection is by an outsider or insider, Mormons can not admit that it’s a …  We believe it’s incredibly belittling to women to treat them as objects, and pornography tempts the viewer to commit sin. They did not have any Christian value. Water is the Devil (Literally) If you are a Mormon, stay away from the water! Like many aspects of the LDS religion, the duty to maintain good health has its roots in revelation, in this case a section of the Doctrine and Covenants that Mormons call the Word of Wisdom. Thank you for this post. Mormon Rules: What Mormons Can Eat When people talk about the Mormon health code, known as the Word of Wisdom, they tend to focus on what we can’t have—coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs—and forget that this code also tells us what we should eat.  Members of the church volunteer to teach classes in church, to take care of the babies in the nursery, to clean the church building, to run activities for the teenagers, etc.  All local church leadership is unpaid, and we gladly serve. But this really help me my sister has argued with me about this saying that I’m not allowed to drink soda and how I can’t celebrate Christmas because she only knows what she had heard about Mormons. They reorganized the company and removed good people to bring more Mormons on board. Sexuality has a prominent role within the theology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), which teaches that gender is defined in the premortal existence, and that part of the purpose of mortal life is for men and women to be sealed together, forming bonds that allow them to progress eternally together in the afterlife. now today ive asked and she isnt answering me and now its almost ten oclock at night and still nothing from her. The last important component of the Word of Wisdom is the prohibition on using illegal or recreational drugs. When you said there’s no foul language allowed in the church, you use the commandment to explain the rule, but most swear words don’t use the name of the Lord in vain, so why is that a rule? Thank you for enlightening me on the subject and God Bless!  When 18 or 19-year-olds in the church graduate high school, the church encourages them to serve a 2 year full-time mission. I kind if have an issue….My mom is a Catholic but my dad is a Christian however we haven’t been in a church for a couple of years now. I have a very important question that I’ve wanted to ask for a while now. Only Baptists seem to think that Catholics are not Christians from what I have read so it is interesting that you said “my mum is a Catholic but my Dad is a Christian”. If you think it’s not possible for God to accept that, in certain cultures and times, polygamy can be allowed to exist, then it doesn’t take much to understand how Joseph Smith also did so. It just makes me sick that brainwash is so common among religion and no one even sees that. While it's... 2. … I noticed the beauty of the center of each piece of a rose, not to mention the smell and the beauty of it as a whole. … I am honestly interested in becoming a Mormon but I have a feeling that my parents and family would see me differently. Just as Jonah disobeyed God and was punished, Samson disobeyed God, and even the great David sinned horribly, God also can work with weak people who make terrible, mortal mistakes. This article cleared a lot of things up for me. "Since Satan allegedly has power over the lakes and rivers, Mormon missionaries aren't allowed to swim.". I have an emptiness inside that I’m not sure will ever be filled, childhood trauma finds me at 48 not married and childless so I’m unsure what my purpose here is.. I’m not seeking to find a new church as such but I felt compelled to say hi & tears have sprung, which they haven’t for a very long time when talking about my experience of religion, so thank you again for provoking emotion in me. Q: What can Mormons not do? Dedicate Sundays to the Lord. Everything else can simply be answered with “I don’t know yet, but I’m going to find out.”. 2. The church does believe God’s words in the Bible concerning homosexual relations, but at the same time welcomes anyone to worship with us no matter where you currently are today, what circumstances you are in, what choices you have made, or how you were born. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/topics/gay?lang=eng. I have some questions though, I am a bisexual man, leaning closer to men in terms of my attraction, and if I was to meet a man I wanted to spend my life with, I would spend my life with him. Regarding drinking, the Word of Wisdom was not immediately followed as strictly as we follow it today. Well, some Mormons choose to avoid caffeinated soda because they believe, as mentioned above, that God wants us to avoid caffeine. I am very confused as to why coffee would be more harmful. In the end, I am a firm believer that Joseph Smith was God’s prophet. I have been very prejudice towards mormons, after living in Utah for 9 months with potheads and other non-mormons and having heard all the rumors. I am now 17. back in october i messaged her asking again saying its time and she agreed saying I just want to be a better mormon. @Kate – First of all, thank you for taking the time to learn about your friends’ beliefs.  The 10 commandments say, “Thou shalt not kill.”  Church leaders have opened the possibility for abortion in extreme instances of danger to the mother’s life, incest, and rape. Some of these rules might be considered sexist or otherwise prejudiced, but those rules are not all that different from the rules of many other religions. The best way I can describe it is I didn’t know that worship in the LDS church is something I already knew in my heart. In fact, that’s probably unlikely for this very reason. 4. Would a long-term, loving, devoted same-sex relationship be permissible in the eyes of God and the Church? No LDS youth are ever forced to serve a mission. Following this will lead to “mental, … I just recently join the church and I had some questions on their beliefs. Sorry to trouble you. I’m sorry to hear about the abusive relationship you were in. Thank you for that. She says that she feels like an outcast and is Petty much treated like one. Hey! You’re taught to strictly adhere to modesty rules, to not drink coffee or alcohol, fast for 24 hours once a month, pay 10% of your income (or allowance in this case) every month to the church, get baptized in place of the dead (yeah), and devote your life to the Gospel. Mormons don't drink coffee. There are a lot of myths out there about the rules of Mormonism—Mormons can't use mirrors, can't wear makeup, and can only ride bicycles. Why is it harm for Mormon stay in he church I haven’t been for sometime now I’m having problems with my back and I can’t walk either because I have fall so much. its been 4 months. I would like your feed back on this please. I’m glad the post was helpful. A simple glass of water, juice, cookie, or even nothing at all would be fine 🙂 Please listen to their message and consider how it could change your life for the better. Exercise and manual labor is best reserved for the other six days of the work, as are activities such as swimming and other recreation. And they certainly weren\’t disgusted. Members of the LDS Church did not accept the 19th-century Protestant prejudice against the cross. The complaints of his wife led Smith to ask God whether tobacco was appropriate for followers of his church to use. I am a Christian (Baptist). I myself feel a calling to the Mormon life. They did not hesitate to suppress position hold by foreigners who were doing a great job because my director and VP overspent their allocated budget. I lose to drink coffee and sweet tea not anymore my like has change so much now. If you simply explain what you believe and what made you to come to believe it, that’s enough. Alot of these things are very similar to my religion Islam.We can’t drink alcohol or gamble and lying is frowned upon, some times I wish people wouldn’t judge others based on religion.