Interventions focusing on this model may involve risk calculation and prediction, as well as personalized advice and education. Method: A correlational, predictive cross-section design was used to obtain a convenience sample in Haiti (N = 200). Perceived severity was not related to actual behavior 1-week prior to follow-up. There are several limitations of the HBM which limit its utility in public health. The overlapping rings in the model illustrate how factors at one level influence factors at another level. For example, knowledge of target BP levels has been associated with improvements in diet [15] and rates of BP control [16]. The model was originally developed in order to explain engagement in one-time health-related behaviors such as being screened for cancer or receiving an immunization. Most clinicians can also allude to the fact that they have other patients who have mastered the skill, which is providing vicarious experience secondhand. Individuals who believe they are at low risk of developing an illness are more likely to engage in unhealthy, or risky, behaviors. (1988) proposed that self-efficacy should be added to the model. A care model and implementation toolkit for health care organizations was developed in 2012–14 by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center with the input of innovator sites in … In addition, HBM suggests that patients are more likely to follow recommendations if they are exposed to cues to action, such as written or telephone reminders, or public announcements such as posters and public service advertisements on radio. The model has four key concepts (Hornik, 1991; Fisher and Fisher, 1992): Susceptibility: does the person perceive vulnerability to the specific disease? First, it takes more time than we usually imagine to fully establish a skill and to work out all the problems in using it. Further, women 50 years of age and older were more likely than their younger counterparts to list heart disease as a serious health threat [20]. Identifying perceived barriers to following a recommended treatment may be more straightforward, and is one of the goals of the well-known strategy of tailoring the regimen to the patient. This suggests that self-efficacy could be low because individuals perceived insurmountable barriers to action. The health belief model ... research suggests that health beliefs may be more usefully construed as cognitiv e antecedents . Asking patients to self-monitor for a brief time until they learn key skills is important, because self-monitoring increases the desire to improve performance. The four basic questions listed above are also likely to provide information about the patient's perception of the potential benefits of following the clinician's recommended treatment, as well as perceived barriers to doing so. Department of Health National Institute for Clinical Excellence 3 1. The review reports that empirical support for the health belief model is particularly notable given the diverse populations, health conditions, and health-related behaviors examined and the various study designs and assessment strategies used to evaluate the model. Individuals who perceive a high risk that they will be personally affected by a particular health problem are more likely to engage in behaviors to decrease their risk of developing the condition. Finally, by following a model of teaching the skill based on self-regulation theory, most clinicians, alone or with the help of practice staff, can successfully lead the patient to learn the skill with demonstration plus practice with feedback under the guidance of a coach. The HBM was developed in the 1950s by social psychologists at the U.S. Public Health Service and remains one of the best known and most widely used theories in health behavior research. These questions invite patients to talk about their feelings, but focus the issue on what matters to them about asthma. J.K. Thompson, ... S. Chait, in Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance, 2012. For example, “How likely is it that your child will have another asthma attack like this one?” or “Do you think you will continue to have asthma symptoms in the next year?” or “How do you feel about the idea that your child has asthma?” Similarly, the patient or family's perception of the seriousness of asthma can be explored with questions such as “How serious do you think your asthma is?” or “What do you think will happen if your child's asthma is not treated?” The answers to these questions are likely to bring out the patient's feelings about susceptibility and seriousness, and the clinician can then engage in a discussion with the patient and provide accurate information. The clinician may be able to use the patients’ answers to questions about concerns to help patients link the problems they want solved to what the clinician teaches them about the benefits of therapy. Nursing and Health Science, Vol. Resolving Conflict and Dealing with Others Anger, Top 10 Things to Know About the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Chapter 8: Physical Activity and Exercise, The Impact of Physical Activity on Stress, Chapter 10: Implementing a Stress Reduction Plan. It believes that: Addiction does not exist on a continuum – it is either present or it isn't.Addicted people cannot control their intake of a given substance. Cues to action include a diverse range of triggers to the individual taking action and are commonly divided into factors that are internal (e.g., physical symptoms) or external (e.g., mass media campaigns, advice from others) to the individual. At the most basic level, the HBM is a value-expectancy theory: behavior is dependent on (1) the subjective value placed on the outcome and (2) the expectation that an action will lead to that outcome. A good way to begin, once the initial history or complaint has been discussed, is to ask four basic open-ended questions: What concerns you most about your asthma? Like the Community Readiness Model, PRECEDE-PROCEED invites participation from community members, and has the potential to increase community ownership of the program. In addition, various researchers have used somewhat different operationalizations of the six constructs (see Rosenstock, 1974; Becker and Maiman, 1983). Since then, the HBM has been used widely in studies of health behavior. 12, no.1, pp. The health belief model proposes that individuals who perceive a given health problem as serious are more likely to engage in behaviors to prevent the health problem from occurring (or reduce its severity). Thus, increased sexual risk-taking or unprotected sex may be explained and addressed by HMB as follows: one's beliefs about the benefits of condoms (protection from HIV or STDs) do not outweigh the costs of condom use (pleasure reduction due to reduced sensation, partner-related concerns such as creation of distrust in a relationship or reduction of spontaneity); interventions would focus on shifting the benefit–cost. For example, as a child makes initial progress in learning a musical instrument and gains confidence that she can play well, she often begins to play the instrument much more frequently, and is willing to tackle more complicated pieces of music. Self-regulation is a cyclic process that typically is repeated until a problem is solved or controlled or a skill mastered. Perceived barriers refer to an individual’s assessment of the obstacles to behavior change. Others may acknowledge the possibility that they could develop the illness, but believe it is unlikely. HBM is a good model for addressing problem behaviors that evoke health concerns (e.g., high-risk sexual behavior … Irwin M. Rosenstock, Ph.D. Health Education Monographs 1974 2: 4, 328-335 Download Citation. What concerns do you have about the medicines? Believe they are able to take the proposed action. The Health Belief Model (HBM) is one of the first theories of health behavior. It will also enable you to be physically active without wheezing or coughing. Health Beliefs Model. Examples of cues to action include a reminder postcard from a dentist, the illness of a friend or family member, and product health warning labels. This article provides an overview of the state of the science of theory use for designing and conducti … The health belief model suggests that modifying variables affect health-related behaviors indirectly by affecting perceived seriousness, susceptibility, benefits, and barriers. A stimulus, or cue to action, must also be present in order to trigger the health-promoting behavior. This article provides an overview of the state of the science of theory use for designing and conducting health-promotion interventions. Others may acknowledge the possibility that they could develop the illness, but believe it is unlikely. STEP 2: Reading The Health Belief Model Harvard Case Study: To have a complete understanding of the case, one should focus on case reading. Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s perception of his or her competence to successfully perform a behavior. Methods for Stress Management by Allen Urich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Health motive: does the person have concern about the consequences of contracting the disease? Can Anger Cause Stress and Health Issues? Its limitation, however, is that it doesn't tell us much about how behavior change occurs or how the clinician can facilitate change. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Developed in the early 1950s, the model has been used with great success for almost half a century to promote greater condom use, seat belt use, medical compliance, and health screening use, to name a few behaviors. Results. In a study that examined knowledge of heart disease in women [10], the perceptions of susceptibility and seriousness of heart disease, knowledge of risk factors, and general health motivation accounted for 76% of the variance in cardiovascular preventive behaviors. This example highlights the importance of two critical aspects in the self-regulation cycle. The essence of the model is that the mind and the body are connected and both the mind and the body affect the development and the progression of addiction within a social and cultural context. This is the least effective method, but because these methods are additive in effect, it is a good place to start. There are three ways in which self-efficacy can be increased, and clinicians can make use of all of these with patients learning to control asthma. It is assumed that this whole process is set in motion by cues to action. Severity: does the individual perceive that getting the disease has negative consequences? An intervention study aimed at increasing the knowledge of risks associated with uncontrolled diabetes, personal susceptibility to the disorder, and beliefs about the benefits of adherence to treatment revealed a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose in the treatment group relative to the control group [11]. The health belief model (HBM)) is a social psychological health behavior change model developed to explain and predict health-related behaviors, particularly in regard to the uptake of health services. By using the HBM as a framework for asking questions to assess patients’ asthma knowledge, beliefs, and skills, the clinician can identify key issues that need to be addressed to make patients able and willing to follow the treatment plan. There are four perceptions of the HBM, which are perceived seriousness, perceived benefit, perceived susceptibility and perceived barriers. A more recent meta-analysis found strong support for perceived benefits and perceived barriers predicting health-related behaviors, but weak evidence for the predictive power of perceived seriousness and perceived susceptibility. The following constructs of the health belief model are proposed to vary between individuals and predict engagement in health-related behaviors (e.g., getting vaccinated, getting screened for asymptomatic diseases, exercising). Control problem behaviors, such as smoking; Master valued skills, such as playing a musical instrument; Achieve goals, such as completing a medical residency. Have a positive expectation that taking the proposed action will be effective in addressing the issue. Later uses of HBM were for patients' responses to symptoms and compliance with medical treatments. Obesity rates are higher, and trends reflect a faster rise in obesity, among African American and Hispanic populations; thus, greater health disparities in comorbid illnesses may emerge than are observed currently if effective preventative efforts are not initiated [17,19]. Individuals with low perceived susceptibility may deny that they are at risk for contracting a particular illness. Additionally, increased physical activity was observed among women with awareness of optimal blood glucose levels [15]. The health belief model is one of the oldest models of health behavior, but is still very relevant when discussing health behavior change. For instance, lack of access to affordable health care and the perception that a flu vaccine shot will cause significant pain may act as barriers to receiving the flu vaccine. Objective: This study sought to experimentally manipulate the core constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in order to compare the success of interventions to increase preparatory condom use behavior (i.e., purchasing condoms, talking to a boyfriend or girlfriend about using condoms, and carrying condoms) based on these theories. Perceived barriers to taking action include the perceived inconvenience, expense, danger (e.g., side effects of a medical procedure) and discomfort (e.g., pain, emotional upset) involved in engaging in the behavior. Becker, M. (1978) ‘Compliance with a medical regimen for asthma’, Public Health Reports 93, 268–77 Background. … P. Norman, M. Conner, in Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 2017. Theory Description Purpose Nola Pender‟s Health Promotion Model (HPM) was created to serve as a “multivariate paradigm for explaining and predicting health promoting component of lifestyle” (Pender, 1990, p.326). The HBM has provided a useful framework for investigating health behaviors and identifying key health beliefs, has been widely used, and has met with moderate success in predicting a range of health behaviors (for reviews see Janz and Becker, 1984; Harrison et al., 1992; Abraham and Sheeran, 2015). The HBM is a health-specific model, which suggests that health behaviours are a result of a set of core beliefs and it has been used to predict many health behaviours [10, 11]. The findings are compared with previous studies. 177 THE HEALTH BELIEF MODEL The Health Belief Model (HBM)IÓ-18 hypothesizes that health-related action de- pends upon the simultaneous occurrence of three classes of factors: (1) The existence of sufficient motivation (or health concern) to make health issues salient or relevant. The health belief model posits that a cue, or trigger, is necessary for prompting engagement in health-promoting behaviors. Perceived susceptibility refers to subjective assessment of risk of developing a health problem. The role of coaching is important to help the learner gain confidence and repeat the self-regulation process. Amendments to the model were made as late as 1988 to incorporate emerging evidence within the field of psychology about the role of self-efficacy in decision-making and behavior. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Participatory Health Through Social Media, Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance, Mental Health and Physical Health (Including HIV/AIDS), International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition), Matthew J. Mimiaga, ... Steven A. Safren, in, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Public Knowledge of Cardiovascular Risk Numbers: Contextual Factors Affecting Knowledge and Health Behavior, and the Impact of Public Health Campaigns, Jeffrey L. Kibler, ... Roberta A. Roas, in, Individual Prevention of College Student Alcohol Misuse. Ashraf Kagee, Melvyn Freeman, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition), 2017. Jeffrey L. Kibler, ... Roberta A. Roas, in Lifestyle in Heart Health and Disease, 2018. Second, many skills decay over time and need reinforcement. The health belief model suggests that people’s beliefs about health problems, perceived benefits of action and barriers to action, and self-efficacy explain engagement (or lack of engagement) in health-promoting behavior. Assumption. The health belief model predicts that individuals who perceive that they are susceptible to a particular health problem will engage in behaviors to reduce their risk of developing the health problem. This model has worked well for many health promotion topics, and can effectively support one-time interventions or long-running programs. With both children and adults, tying the use of the treatment to achieving goals the patients want over a short period of time can help patients perceive the benefits of therapy, motivate them to follow it, and provide them with criteria for recognizing that the treatment is working. The Health Belief Model proposes that people are most likely to take preventative action if they perceive the threat of a health risk to be serious, if they feel they are personally susceptible and if there are fewer costs than benefits to engaging in it [14]. For example, an individual living in a dangerous neighborhood may be unable to go for a jog outdoors due to safety concerns. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. It was developed in the 1950s by a group of U.S. Public Health Service social psychologists who wanted to explain why so few people were participating in programs to prevent and detect disease. The theoretical constructs that constitute the health belief model are broadly defined. Perceived severity and perceived susceptibility to a given health condition depend on knowledge about the condition. Initially, fast reading without taking notes and underlines should be done. the whole public health system, and to deal with this we need to address the social, cultural and behavioural aspects of health and its determinants at a population level. P values < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant in this study. This model suggests that the natural history of any disease exists on a continuum, with health at one end and advanced disease at the other. 6, no.1, pp. The cycle includes (1) deciding to try a specific strategy to reach a goal; (2) initiating the action and self-monitoring to see how it works; (3) making a judgment of success or failure; (4) experiencing an increase or decrease in self-efficacy–self-confidence that the action can be performed successfully and helps achieve the overall goal; and (4) repeating the cycle by modifying the strategy to correct actions that didn't work or to improve on those that did. Capturing the Complexity in Advanced Technology Use: Irwin M. Rosenstock, Ph.D. 1. Relative to Caucasian women, obese African American women are more likely to report their weight as normal and to overestimate their height and underestimate their weight [18]. The Health Belief Model suggests that perceived threat is actually a compound of the two elementary constructs of severity and susceptibility. With regard to education, a study with African American women revealed a positive relationship between years of education and likelihood of perceiving heart disease as a serious health risk [20]. Cues to action can be internal or external. It remains one of the most widely used and well-tested models for explaining and predicting health-related behavior. These findings suggest knowledge and individual perceptions identified by the HBM are associated with the seven key CVD metrics highlighted in the AHA recommendations [6]. It suggests that people's use of health … Interventions can be aimed at the individual level (i.e., working one-on-one with individuals to increase engagement in health-related behaviors) or the societal level (e.g., through legislation, changes to the physical environment). The model is influenced by the theories of Kurt Lewin, which states that it is the word of the perceiver that determines what an individual will and will not do . The health belief model (HBM) is a value-expectancy theory, and assumes that an individual's behavior is guided by expectations of consequences of adopting new practices (Janz et al., 2002). Self-efficacy was added to the four components of the health belief model (i.e., perceived susceptibility, seriousness, benefits, and barriers) in 1988. health belief model 43 theory of reasoned action (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975) – that is, intention predicts behaviour and is predicted by a series of other cognitive antecedents. The Health Belief Model relies on two main factors to change a health behavior; the desire to avoid illness and the belief that a behavior can prevent the illness (Ganz et al., 2002; Glanz et al., 2008). 6 The model was later applied to how people responded to illnesses that had been diagnosed, including adherence to medical regimens. Therefore, by changing his … The Health Belief Model (HBM) is an intrapersonal, behavioral health theory, dating back to the 1950s. Second, the coach can teach the learner how to self-observe, and can provide direct feedback about success. These theories are summarized below, and specific questions and teaching strategies clinicians can use are presented. The model suggests that decision‐makers make a mental calculus about whether the benefits of a promoted behavior change outweigh its practical and psychological costs or obstacles. Repeating the main teaching steps as outlined in step 7 is important for two reasons. The Health Belief Model suggests that our willingness to seek medical help depends on the extent to which we perceive a threat to our health and the extent to which we believe that a particular behavior will effectively reduce that threat. A 1984 review of 18 prospective and 28 retrospective studies suggests that the evidence for each component of the health belief model is strong. Individuals with low perceived susceptibility may deny that they are at risk for contracting a particular illness. Finally, patient or family confidence that the treatment plan can be followed and used to control asthma should be assessed with questions such as “How sure are you that you can give the medicine to your child with the inhaler and spacer?” or “How sure are you that you can control your asthma using the written treatment plan I've given you?” If patients are not sure, then follow up with open-ended probes such as “I can sense you aren't completely sure. Perceived barriers refer to the perception of cost associated with adhering to a recommended health behavior if it is likely to be beneficial in reducing or eliminating the perceived threat. In addition, in not specifying a causal ordering among the variables, as is done in other models, more powerful analysis of data and clearer indications of how interventions may have their effects are precluded in the HBM. 1-10 The theories presented here are related to communication. The intensity of cues needed to prompt action varies between individuals by perceived susceptibility, seriousness, benefits, and barriers. For instance, individuals may not accurately report cues that prompted behavior change. (2004a) “Revisiting the health belief model: nurses applying it to young families and their health promotion needs”. Evidence suggests that fear may be a key factor in predicting health-related behavior. The first is that increased self-efficacy is critical to encourage repeated efforts to improve.7,8 Research shows that as self-efficacy increases, people are more likely to repeat an action, and are more likely to persist in the face of difficulty. Irwin M. Rosenstock . For example, intentions to perform a behavior and social pressure are key components of the Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior which do not appear in the HBM. For example, individuals who believe that wearing sunscreen prevents skin cancer are more likely to wear sunscreen than individuals who believe that wearing sunscreen will not prevent the occurrence of skin cancer. c. those who do not comply with medical advice usually have good reasons for their actions. The focus is on two essential parts of the health belief model: perceived personal threat and cost-benefit analysis. M. Conner, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. A predesigned self-administered questionnaire that included the Health Belief Model scale was used to collect data. The initial behavioral model-the model of the 1960s-is depicted in Figure 1. The Health Belief Model The Health Belief Model presented in Figure 1 is an updated version of the original schema, primarily based on Rosenstock et al (1994). In addition, self-efficacy, a sense of competence as a cogent agent of long-term behavior change, has recently been integrated into HBM. External cues include events or information from close others, the media, or health care providers promoting engagement in health-related behaviors. These issues can be explored with follow-up questions directed at the issue of susceptibility. Increasing evidence suggests that public health and health-promotion interventions that are based on social and behavioral science theories are more effective than those lacking a theoretical base. The health belief model attempts to predict health-related behaviors by accounting for individual differences in beliefs and attitudes. Therefore, different operationalizations of the theoretical constructs may not be strictly comparable across studies. For example, “What benefits do you think you might get if you took the inhaled corticosteroid every day?” If the patient is not sure, the clinician can then tie the potential benefits to the patient's expressed concerns: “Earlier you said you were bothered by not being able to sleep through the night. The Health Belief Model (HBM) was developed in the early 1950s by social scientists at the U.S. Public Health Service in order to understand the failure of people to adopt disease prevention strategies or screening tests for the early detection of disease. However, it does not account for other factors that influence health behaviors. Research has addressed ways in which knowledge of personal and target levels of health indicators may interact with HBM variables [12,13] to predict engagement in preventive behaviors [14]. Other families may readily accept the notion that the patient has asthma, but not believe that it is a chronic problem that exists even when symptoms are not present. Perceived Personal Threat Daniel believes that his drinking is heavy. Structural variables include knowledge about a given disease and prior contact with the disease, among other factors. Although he is aware that his drinking conduct may spoil his reputation and lead to alcoholism, his attitude is not radical enough. To amplify the example above, the patient who had just learned proper technique for using a metered dose inhaler from his doctor might (1) decide to try the new technique for the next 2 weeks, while (2) keeping a diary of symptom-free days to see whether his asthma control was improving; (3) review the diary at the end of 2 weeks to decide whether his control had improved; and (4) depending on the result, experience an increase in self-efficacy that he could control his asthma by using the new technique, or perhaps feel a reduction in self-efficacy if the symptom diary didn't show a positive change. This model informs intervention approaches that address perceived risk for alcohol consequences, reinforce benefits of alternate behaviors, and teach skills to reduce the likelihood of drinking-related harm. Self-efficacy was added to the health belief model in an attempt to better explain individual differences in health behaviors. Perceived severity refers to the subjective assessment of the severity of a health problem and its potential consequences. Jessica M. Cronce, Mary E. Larimer, in Interventions for Addiction, 2013. HBM has been further critiqued for not fully addressing several behavioral determinants, including socio-cultural factors, and assuming that health is a high priority for most individuals (thus, it may not be applicable to those who do not place as high a value on health). THE HEALTH BELIEF MODEL In addition to a direct relationship between encoded expo-sure and H1N1 vaccination, it is plausible that indirect effects occurred through HBM variables targeted by the campaign. Third, the coach can help learners reach appropriate judgments about success. The second way is vicarious experience, which occurs when the patient talks with or observes another patient who has mastered the same skill. A clinician may not be sure whether the family believes the patient has asthma at all. 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