Air Popped Whole Grains with no Fat ?Just 45 calories per serving ?Simple Ingredients ?Pleasantly sweetened with Natural Cane Juice & includes one 2.8 oz. $0.00 Jayone Roasted Rice Snack - Pumpkin Seed & Almond. Price Hopper Blog (Jane's New Item) Jane talks about how healthy and fun our Crunchy Rice snacks are and how it's a great snack for all ages. Jayone Roasted and Lightly Salted Seaweed, 0.17 Ounce (Pack of 12) 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,363. One of our favorite ways to eat them is by spreading peanut butter, almond butter, or chocolate spread on the Rice Rolls. Crunchy Rice Roll - White Rice (Multi 4 - Pack) Jayone Roasted Rice Snack - Original. $0.00 Jayone Rice Crackers - Sweet. Each serving contains 0.17 ounces. [ITEM#:14313] (Jayone)Shrimp Flavored Chip-Garlic Flavor / 56 G Calorie breakdown: 69% fat, 15% carbs, 15% protein. A Supplier on This is called " Nurungji"in Korea. This is a seaweed snack that has a pleasant, nutty flavor, and it’s high in vitamins and minerals, too. (Send us your zip code and we can try and locate a physical store near you that may carry it or you can find our Rice snacks on Amazon and Yamibuy.). Jayone News. Sushi Nori Full 100 Sheets. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. (Click image link to page) Food Shows 2020. Related Snacks from Jayone: Crunchy Rice Snack Honey Cinnamon: Crunchy Rice Snack: Crunchy Rice Roll: More Products from Jayone: Aloe Drink Coconut Flavor: Mixed 7 Grains : view all jayone products: 31 to 40 of 11067 for Jayone Crunchy Rice Snack Rice Dressing Per 1 cup - Calories: 184kcal | Fat: 5.43g | Carbs: 29.74g | Protein: 3.34g NUTRITION FACTS. After Finishing taking cooked rice, a little thickened rice is remained on the surface of bottom. $0.00 Jayone Rice Crackers - Salty. Great Snack for All. Currently unavailable. Weird weather has been engulfing our So Cal lately, but summer is slowly, yet surely creeping in and it’s getting HOT. Buy at Amazon [ITEM#:20427] (Jayone)Organic Crunchy Rice Roll-BananaCrm / 2.1 OZ. From seaweed snacks, rice snacks, shelf-stable kimchi, Korean sauces, aloe drinks, dry Korean noodles, Konjac Jelly snacks, and so much more! ... And to all the parents and teachers struggling to get their kids to... Read More. That includes this Jayone Seasoned and Roasted Seaweed from Costco. Jayone Roasted Rice Snack - Original. The cinnamon one is my favorite because it makes the milk a bit cinnamon-y. Jayone Foods, Inc, Experts in Manufacturing and Exporting Seaweed Snacks, Aloe Juice and 9 more Products. Flavorful Seaweed You’ll Love. --SELECT CATEGORY-- Ice Cream Grain Snack Korean Td Snack Sweet Snack Fruit&Vege Snack Chips & Cookies. Buy at Amazon. It makes it all crunchy and nutty. List. $7.99. the sweet, simple flavor adds just the right amount of kick to liven up your taste buds. Plus, they are so low in calories and have little sugar you don’t have to feel guilty about snacking on them. What We Liked. List. (Jayone)Crunchy Rice Snack-Honey Ginger / 2.8 OZ [ITEM#:70505] (Lavelee)Ice Bar-Coffee Flavor / 65 ML X 6. ), 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(Jayone)Organic Crunchy Rice Roll-AppleCina / 2.1 OZ. Organic Whole Grain Brown Rice, Organic Rice Syrup, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Freeze Dried Apple, Agar, Cinnamon. Sushi Nori Half Cut 100 Sheets. [ITEM#:70501](Lavelee)Ice Bar-Melon Flavor / 65 ML X 6, [ITEM#:70503](Lavelee)Ice Bar-Red Bean Flavor / 65 ML X 6, [ITEM#:70505](Lavelee)Ice Bar-Coffee Flavor / 65 ML X 6, [ITEM#:70511](Lavelee)Ice Bar-SweetCorn / 80 ML X 6, [ITEM#:70513](Lavelee)Ice Bar-Vanila w/Chocolate&Almond / 108 ML X 4, [ITEM#:14361](Jayone)Brown Rice Snack-Roll / 100 G, [ITEM#:14363](Jayone)Whole Wheat Snack-Roll / 100 G, [ITEM#:14407](Jayone)Rice Snack-Roll / 100 G, [ITEM#:14411](Jayone)Crunchy Rice Snack / 2.8 OZ, [ITEM#:14413](Jayone)Crunchy Rice Snack-Honey Cinnamon / 2.8 OZ, [ITEM#:14415](Jayone)Crunchy Rice Snack-Honey Ginger / 2.8 OZ, [ITEM#:14416](Jayone)Crunchy Rice Snack-4Pack / 2.8OZ X 4, [ITEM#:20401](Jayone)Crunchy Rice Roll-Brown&White Rice / 3.5 OZ, [ITEM#:20405](Jayone)Crunchy Rice Roll-Black&White Rice / 3.5 OZ, [ITEM#:20407](Jayone)Crunchy Rice Roll-White Rice / 2.8 OZ, [ITEM#:20421](Jayone)Organic Crunchy Rice Roll-BrownRice / 2.1 OZ, [ITEM#:20423](Jayone)Organic Crunchy Rice Roll-AppleCina / 2.1 OZ, [ITEM#:20425](Jayone)Organic Crunchy Rice Roll-ChocoStra / 2.1 OZ. Jayone’s Seaweed is rich in trace minerals and vitamins. [ITEM#:20423] (Jayone)Organic Crunchy Rice Roll-AppleCina / 2.1 OZ. ... (Jayone)Roasted Rice Snack / 2.12 OZ. Great source of Iodine. 41 to 50 of 10925 for Jayone Crunchy Rice Snack Instant Brown Rice Per 1 cup of cooked - Calories: 233kcal | Fat: 1.89g | Carbs: 48.29g | Protein: 5.43g 1 to 10 of 10974 for Jayone Crunchy Rice Snack Crunchy Rice Snack (Jayone) Per 1 stick - Calories: 36kcal | Fat: 0.00g | Carbs: 10.00g | Protein: 0.00g Nutrition Facts - Similar Costco Jayone Seasoned and Roasted Seaweed . Crunchy Rice Snack Simple Recipes. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. This is Jayone’s “nutty” flavor, which is a bit reminiscent of beer nuts. Jayone Web Team. bag. Jayone Seaweed. We also got some tips from friends saying to add chopped nuts. Jayone Roasted Black Rice Snack with Pumpkin Seeds and Almonds, 2.12 Ounce (Pack of 12) Visit the Jayone Store. All natural. #jayone #recipe #crunchyricesnack #ricesnack #riceroll #snack #snacking #fruits #banana #strawberry #cereal #cream #cinnamon #nutty #crunchy #peanutbutter #chocolate, 562-633-7400  |, Korean Style Hotdog Recipes (for 4th of July! JAYONE ITEM# : 20423. We like to enjoy them in their true form, but we also like to find different ways of consuming them. COPYRIGHT 2014 JAYONE FOODS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. By putting a bunch of these on a platter, it’s perfect for house warming’s or a tasty and light dessert after dinner. Jayone Rice Snack Crunchy honey Cinnamon, 2.8 oz $12.75. ... You’ll find our Rice Snacks and Rice Rolls in packs of 4 rolls or 8 rolls. You can find all your Korean snacks here! [ITEM#:20401] (Jayone)Crunchy Rice Roll-Brown&White Rice / 3.5 OZ. Perfect size to carry in your bag for anytime snack. [ITEM#:70513] (Lavelee)Ice Bar-Vanila w/Chocolate&Almond / 108 ML X 4. These can be sprinkled on food like rice or salads or just consumed plain. We’ll share a couple ideas with you today so please share how you guys enjoy yours! You’ll find our Rice Snacks and Rice Rolls in packs of 4 rolls or 8 rolls. Seasoned & Roasted Seaweed Snack(SeoChun) 12 Pack. Dried Seaweed. ... Jayone Crunchy Rice Snack, Honey Cinnamon, 2.8 Ounce (Pack of 6) 4.6 out of 5 stars 120. Costco Jayone Seasoned and Roasted Seaweed Ingredients. 1 Roasted Black Rice Snack (Pumpkin Seed), 1 Drinkable Konjac Jelly; 1 Microwavable Cooked Rice, 1 Organic Crunchy Rice Roll - Brown Rice; 1 Fire Chicken Sauce, 1 Rice Cake w/ Red Crab Flavor; 2 Roasted Seaweed Snack (Sea Salt & Wasabi), 2 Canned Tuna (Barbecue & Red Pepper) 2 Butter Waffles, 2 Sugar Candy- Dalgona, 2 Instant Coffee Packets There are 30 calories in 1 package (5 g) of Jayone Seasoned & Roasted Seaweed. [ITEM#:20431] (Jayone)Crunchy Rice Snack-Original (2Rolls) / 6X20 G. [ITEM#:20433] (Jayone)CrunchyRiceSnack-H.Cinnamon (2Rolls) / 6X20 G. Roasted … Roasted & Salted Seaweed(Green Laver) Sushi Nori Full 50 Sheets. [ITEM#:15947] (Jayone)Ice Bar-Green Tea Flavored / 4X2.54FLOZ this is a fat free, low-calorie food made without any gluten ingredients. You’ll find our Rice Snacks and Rice Rolls in packs of 4 rolls or 8 rolls. Our last idea is perfect for parties or casual snacking. Add your favorite freeze dried fruits or even real fruits. This seaweed snack comes in a pack of 24. ... One pack is the amount I think one would enjoy for a snack.… NUTRITION FACTS. Jayone Roasted Black Rice Snack (60g) Korean Style Mom Made Snack Since Few Hundred Years. We broke them up into little pieces and put some whipped cream and real fruits. Another idea we came up with is by breaking the Rice Rolls up into smaller pieces and eating it like cereal. Jayone crunchy rice snack is a light and sweet asian food that is tasty to eat whenever you get a snack craving. New Products. INGREDIENTS. Naturally burned Rice or grains in the thick steel bowl container on the Fire, Bottom Rice over Cooking and a little Burning. Go to Amazon Website. Kim is now a staple in Korean cuisine and is quickly developing a cult following in other parts of the world thanks to its many healthy benefits. SNACK. We have both natural and organic versions too. Jayone Drinkable Konjac Jelly. We have both natural and organic versions too!