The parties agree that any notices of Dispute or other communications addressed to LoveToKnow Corp. will be sent by Certified or Registered Mail, return receipt requested to the above address, and deemed delivered as of the date of signing of the return receipt or the first date of a refusal to sign. His mind followed suit, racing along, constructing a plan to prove his theory and more importantly, to address it. Cynthia's speech about Billy Langstrom seemed as old as the Gettysburg Address, but far less remembered. While the first has the form of a treatise, the second is an address to God; the first, though it has the Jewish people in mind, does not refer to them by name except incidentally in Solomon's prayer; the second is wholly devoted to the Jewish national experiences (this is true even of the section on idolatry). Early in his presidency, in a 1953 address that would become known as his "Cross of Iron" speech, he declared, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. I just decided it was a fait accompli and we might as well address the situation as best we can. If you wish to work on life lessons, a street address that equals your birth date will bring those opportunities to you while you reside in that home. Accompanying this plan was an address to the states drawn up by Madison, and one of the ablest of his state papers. Before the operator could respond, I blurted out Howie's address. He holds office during good behaviour, and can only be removed by the crown (by whom he is appointed) after a joint address of both houses of parliament. He was strongly opposed to the War of 1812, and was a leader in the movement culminating in the Hartford Convention, which he defended in a series of open letters published in 1824, and in his inaugural address as mayor of Boston. If within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Kurdish peoples within the areas defined in Article 62 shall address themselves to the Council of the League of Nations in such a manner as to show that a majority of the population of these areas desires independence from Turkey, and if the Council then considers that these peoples are capable of such independence and recommends that it should be granted to them, Turkey hereby agrees to execute such a recommendation, and to renounce all rights and title over these areas. The governor may for any reasonable cause remove judges on the address of two-thirds of each house of the legislature. Do not place a comma between the state and the zip code. On succeeding to the throne in September 1824 the dignity of his address and his affable condescension won him a passing popularity. If that was the problem, she'd best address it – as soon as possible. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " This is my home address. You may have learned that ending a sentence with a preposition is a serious breach of grammatical etiquette. My address is in this closed-up envelope. You rented that apartment for an address to set up a false identity and a place to keep the dough. a description of the location of a property. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Address in a Sentence Prev Word Next Word . Seeing him coming, they resolved not to recognize as a superior one who had broken his vows; to address him by his name, and not as "master" or "teacher"; only, he being a Kshatriya, to offer him a seat. The Germans in their turn now left the diet, and the Czechs voted an address to the crown, drawn up by Count Thun, demanding the restoration of the Bohemian kingdom. Jews to address themselves at length to the restoration of the Temple.'. How do you address it? The general assembly, to which the case was appealed, suspended Dr Briggs in 1893, being influenced, it would seem, in part, by the manner and tone of his expressions - by what his own colleagues in the Union Theological Seminary called the " dogmatic and irritating " nature of his inaugural address. Brady opened his mouth to address her before remembering the best he could manage was a croak. It was not till the next session that he delivered his fiercest attack on Parnell in the debate on the address, denouncing him for his connexion with the Land League, and quoting against him the violent speeches of his supporters and the articles of his newspaper organs. 14, which, owing to the loss of this passage, has assumed the form of an address to Enoch: "Thou art the Son of Man," but which stood originally as the angel's reply to Enoch: "This is the Son of Man," &c. Ver. He took my name and address, scribbling it down in his notebook. All these nearly allied schools of Christian thought could, moreover, address, as against the image worshippers, a very effective appeal to the Bible and to Christian antiquity. He was about to address Kiki again when Katie.s angry words hit him. 5. . But what he really said in his address to the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution in 1867 was that it was necessary "to induce our future masters to learn their letters.". Uttered formulas abound; yet they are not forms of address, but rather the self-sufficient pronouncements of the magician's fiat. When parliament met they executed, for form's sake, some confused manoeuvres, and then they were beaten on an amendment to the address in favour of Municipal Allotments. 1- My email address will be as follows effective April . Direct Address and the Pronoun 'You' "It is clear that a term of address is always closely linked with the pronoun 'you,' which in itself has vocative qualities. In another address, speaking of the introduction of military exercises at school, he says: " These exercises, while not intended to withdraw the students from their more immediate duty, so far as they have any calling to it, still remind them of the possibility that every one, whatever rank in society he may belong to, may one day have to defend his country and his king, or help to that end. ip address in a sentence - Use "ip address" in a sentence 1. CK 309395 Will you give me her address? 3. Manufacturer is noted with the Contents; otherwise should be considered LoveToKnow Corp., at the below address. Seventy-two inches equals approximately 1.83 meters. Address definition is - to mark directions for delivery on. the religious temper: " Most glorious of immortals, 0 Zeus of many names, almighty and everlasting, sovereign of nature, directing all in accordance with law, thee it is fitting that all mortals should address.... forming the natural continuation of chap. On the previous day the Hungarian parliament had adopted a proposal in favour of an address to the crown asking for a separate state bank. He composed an autobiography, published under the name of his freedman Phlegon; wrote speeches, fragments of two of which are preserved in inscriptions (a panegyric on his mother-in-law Matidia, and an address to the soldiers at Lambaesis in Africa). 3. He gives you an addressee and stationary, all you have to do is fill it with text. Swift 472112 I don't have the address now. , An address from the king will be delivered to the members of his court during the ball this evening, though we do not know what his speech will be about. 40 sentence examples: 1. . At graduation he delivered the valedictory address for his class. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 2. They were still early when ten minutes later they located Mrs. Glass's address. I was thumbing through my address book to see who we could invite. If your letter is directed to a company as a specific or whole department within that corporation, write “Dear Investor Relations” or “Dear Abacus Investments,” for example. Like a date, if you need to continue the sentence after adding the address, simply add a comma after the address. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Address" in Example Sentences Page 1. He soon became prominent; first by his contributions to its organ the Messenger; then by The Anxious Bench - A Tract for the Times (1843), attacking the vicious excesses of revivalistic methods; and by his defence of the inauguration address, The Principle of Protestantism, delivered by his colleague Philip Schaff, which aroused a storm of protest by its suggestion that Pauline Protestantism was not the last word in the development of the church but that a Johannean Christianity was to be its outgrowth, and by its recognition of Petrine Romanism as a stage in ecclesiastical development. The duty of the local supervising authority is to Midw exercise general supervision over all midwives practising within their area in accordance with rules laid down in the act; to investigate charges of malpractices, negligence or misconduct on the part of a midwife, and if a prima facie case be established, to report it to the Central Midwives Board; to suspend a midwife from practice if necessary to prevent the spread of infection; to report to the central board the name of any midwife convicted of an offence; once a year (in January) to supply the central board with the names and addresses of all midwives practising within their area and to keep a roll of the names, accessible at all reasonable times for public inspection; to report at once the death of any midwife or change in name and address. Indeed in 1864 he was recognized as leader of the radicals after his reply to Dr Hedge's address to the graduating students of the Divinity School on Anti-Supernaturalism in the Pulpit. On the same day the nobles voted an address to the king condemning the action of the Tiers Etat. Murat, seeing that all is lost if the sergeant is allowed to speak, turns to Auersperg with feigned astonishment (he is a true Gascon) and says: 'I don't recognize the world-famous Austrian discipline, if you allow a subordinate to address you like that!'. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. As had occurred before when she was present, Nicholas went up to her without waiting to be prompted by the governor's wife and not asking himself whether or not it was right and proper to address her here in church, and told her he had heard of her trouble and sympathized with his whole soul. It is a derivative of gospod, " lord," and is akin to gosudar, which primarily means "sovereign," and is now also used in Russia as a polite form of address, equivalent to "sir.". The charges were based upon his inaugural address of the preceding year. Ranck, Boonesborough: Its Founding, Pioneer Struggles, Indian Experiences, Transylvania Days and Revolutionary Annals (1901), and The Centenary of Kentucky (1892), containing an address, " The State of Kentucky: Its Discovery, Settlement, Autonomy and Progress in a Hundred Years," by Reuben T. A brief summary of the rise of vertebrate palaeontology is found in the address of O. de zoologie, session de Bern, 1904), " The Present Problems of Palaeontology " (Address before Section of Zool. T Jerdon's Birds of India (8vo, 1862-1864; 1 A very useful list of more general scope is given as the Appendix to an address by Mr Sclater to the British Association in 1875 (Report, pt. Well, the first thing we need to address is your job. Ryland listed his address as Grand Junction, Colorado and indicated he'd stay at least through the weekend when the ice climbing festivities began in earnest. 7; Pearson, Grammar of Science; Romanes, Darwin and after Darwin; Sedgwick, Presidential Address to Section Zoology, Brit. 2. "That's better, Count," said the staff captain, beginning to address Rostov by his title, as if in recognition of his confession. He scribbled Ethel Rosewater's name and address on a scrap of paper. He stands, addresses … The address (which is extremely important for its representation of the religious conditions) is made the occasion for a solemn covenant whereby the people agree to cleave to Yahweh alone. After explaining the situation and giving her address, she turned down the road toward the nearest public area – a service station 2 miles away. those on Patience and Penitence, read as though they had been spoken, and it is hard to believe that this brilliant rhetorician did not consecrate his powers of address to his new faith. # -----# This comment was copied from #250408 when duplicate sentences were merged. He did not address Roger until they reached his house, and then bade him enter with him. Addresses; Addressing; Addressed; Address (base) She had their email addresses. His capacity for king-craft, knowledge of the world, and easy address enabled him to surmount difficulties and dangers which would have proved fatal to his father or to his brother. From December 1796 to March 17 9 7 he represented that state in the Federal House of Representatives, where he distinguished himself as an irreconcilable opponent of President Washington, and was one of the twelve representatives who voted against the address to him by the House. Send it to the during mass he takes it off when he turns to the altar, placing it on his head again when he turns to address the people (see 1 Cor. If the direct address is in the middle of the sentence, us a pair of commas surrounding the direct address. The return address on the envelope was Columbia, South America, but it wasn't addressed to anyone. Just before his departure the announcement that he would address the Woman's Anti-Slavery Society of Boston created "a mob of gentlemen of property and standing," from which, if he had been present, he could hardly have escaped with his life. Among his best-known orations are that delivered at the unveiling of the Bartholdi statue of Liberty enlightening the World (1886), an address at the Washington Centennial in New York (1889), and the Columbian oration at the dedication ceremonies of the Chicago World's Fair (1892). In the final judgment of the famous libel case of the Bombay Maharajas, before the Supreme Court of Bombay, in January 1862, these improprieties were severely commented upon; and though so unsparing a critic of Indian sects as Jogendra Nath seems not to believe in actual immoral practices on the part of the Maharajas, still he admits that "the corrupting influence of a religion, that can make its female votaries address amorous songs to their spiritual guides, must be very great.". 9 3 7-34; Sir John Murray, " Presidential Address to Section E (Geography)," British A ssociation Report (Dover), 1899; M. But the address and the expression in the italicized passage just quoted (which evidently alludes to the vaunting epistle of 1165) hardly leave room for doubt that the pope supposed himself to be addressing the author of that letter. He was sent as a delegate from New York City to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia in September 1774, and though almost the youngest member, was entrusted with drawing up the address to the people of Great Britain. If he was in the mood for concessions, there was something else she would like to address. Yet, when the smell of bacon lured him to the kitchen, she found herself wishing he would address the subject. 6. Gladstone resigned office, in order, as he announced in the debate on the address, to form " not only an honest, but likewise an independent and an unsuspected judgment," on the plan to be submitted by the government with respect to Maynooth. Sandarusi said he did not notice a return address. His famous Belfast address (1874), delivered as president of the British Association, made a great stir among those who were then busy with the supposed conflict between science and religion; and in his occasional writings - Fragments of Science, as he called them, "for unscientific people" - he touched on current conceptions of prayer, miracles, &c., with characteristic straightforwardness and vigour. OnMirabeau's motion theAssembly voted an address to the king asking for their withdrawal. Upon the conclusion of the treaty he went to Stockholm as plenipotentiary; and in both capacities he behaved with resolution and address. As a politician he was always more the people's representative than their leader, and that he "kept his ear to the ground" was the source of much of his power and at the same time was his greatest weakness: his address at Buffalo the day before. 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