If everything went ok your /var/lib/nagios/nagios.log or wherever you pointed your log_file should show a startup banner and no errors (and that also goes for the output of nagios). Mathias Kettner wrote Check_MK, which is a plugin that makes the process a bit easier, and more efficient too! If no checks are found you probably messed up the agent part. AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users root@z:~/nagios-3.2.2> make install-config As an IT service provider, ASP has the challenge to make sure our engineers optimized their efficiency in solving our customers’ incidents and requests, resulting in a state of the art service for our customers. Otherwise some plugins that require suid (icmp ping check) won't work. Is there anything near this for check_mk plugin? Registering takes only a few moments but gives you increased capabilities. Which isn’t the case because I run it in daemontools. New password: There are basically two options for getting monitoring data. # Make sure to say no to the permissions question! }, Phew. Let’s do a new inventory and see if it works! Note. Reloading Nagios...OK Either change the pkg so they are renamed to .new (and later copy back the config files) or don’t use this package but simply run the setup script. Easy. My question is: is possible to integrate OMD system with the other system? Cheers First localhost. }, Now the configuration check should work and say: One question I can’t seem to figure out. # Note that DESTDIR has to be appended to make, just setting the environment variable will fuck up the perl bindings! Below is a sample guide on how to install Nagios plugins on the Nagios server. Now either Nagios says your are awesome and your configuration files make sense (at least in syntax), or Nagios will point you at your stupid failure to write a trivial configuration like this. Any ideas? root@z:~> check_mk -O After you’ve restarted both Nagios AND Apache you should be able to go to http://nagios/check_mk and get some fancy interface like the screenshot below. You can create that file with htpasswd or htpasswd2. Adding password for user nagiosadmin # Leech leech After a few minutes you should be able to see pretty graphs if you click the star icon or the Perf-O-Meter bargraph, like this: For getting your data through SSH it’s still simple enough. I could just tag all of the check_mk checks to run on the master server but I would rather not. Fortunately I’m not the only one tired of it. root@z:~> tar zxf !$:t It requires graphviz though, I couldn’t be bothered. root@z:~> wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pnp4nagios/files/PNP-0.6/pnp4nagios-0.6.6.tar.gz/download Well, most competent system administrators already have this up and running. Then again, the pnp4nagios detection seems broken on Debian as well, so that’s no big deal. # rattle rattle, overview! So we also add a service (let’s ping!) If nagios bitches about permissions, make sure your user (default nagiosadmin) matches the user in /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg. Is it running? The authorized_keys should look something like: root@z:~/rrdtool-1.4.4> make Be sure to enable mod_python if you haven’t. ... From the main timeline select Integrations then select the Nagios/Nagios XI integration from the resulting list of integrations. Point your browser to your vhost (I’ll use http://nagios/ for this example), and you should be greeted by a login after which Nagios says hello. root@z:~/nagios-3.2.2> mv pkg/etc/rc.d/nagios pkg/etc/rc.d/rc.nagios service_description Ping root@z:~/nagios-3.2.2> ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/nagios --sharedstatedir=/var/cache/nagios --localstatedir=/var/lib/nagios --mandir=/usr/man --with-lockfile=/var/lock/nagios/nagios.lock --enable-nanosleep --enable-event-broker --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios --with-init-dir=/etc/rc.d --with-checkresult-dir=/var/spool/nagios/checkresults --with-httpd-conf=/etc/httpd/extra --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --libdir=/usr/lib --datadir=/usr/share/nagios This board is for support questions relating to Nagios XI. AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users # Patch a bug Alias /pnp4nagios "/usr/share/pnp4nagios" root@z:~/check_mk-1.1.7i5> ./setup.sh # Note that the paths etc are now more sane. First, generate a host key and put it in /etc/check_mk/keys or something, readable by user nagios. The open source edition (Checkmk Raw Edition) also continues to be based on the Nagios-core, and bundles this with additional open source components into a complete system. ErrorDocument 500 ", A Server problem occurred. One is through SNMP, the other is the Check_mk_agent that gathers info like most check_bla things from nagios normally do. root@z:~> cd !$ I have about 3000 hosts and 40,000 services configured in XI and about 60 hosts configured in check_mk WATO and about 1000 services. However, since I refused to let localhost stay in my configuration, Nagios still complained even though my syntax was fine. Let’s fire up nagios! A command like this: ssh -l root -i /etc/check_mk/keys/myhost myhost should return the blurb of information like telnet did before. Add localhost to the check_mk configuration file: df 3 new checks a server can have up to 1000 service checks monitored, check interval time is 1 minute as opposed to 5 minutes in nagios, nagios’s latency issues are solved with focus on passive checks, rule based configurations are preferred with check_mk over explicit configuration statements. Allow from all The /etc/check_mk/main.mk file looks a bit like this afterwards: In my configuration (pretty default) I added those in objects/commands.cfg. (and such horrific colors…) First we’ll install Nagios: require valid-user. When it works, you need to add the host to main.mk like you did before with localhost. Next, you need to add the host whose SSL/TLS certificates is to be monitored to Nagios Server. Failing that it will check some weird places and then give up. host_perfdata_command=process-host-perfdata I built a new system and followed these instructions and it worked fine. Please make sure that you've edited the file/etc/apache/vhosts/check_mk and made it use the sameauthentication settings as your Nagios web pages.Restart Apache afterwards." Instead of the normal Nagios configuration data, an automatic service recognition and configuration generator is activated. Oh, you want it enabled as well? to jemoeder.cfg: See a sample guide below; AuthName "Nagios Access" And I sort of agree: why should Nagios run if there’s nothing to monitor? Options FollowSymLinks Check_MK will then use this dir Voila. If it doesn’t, you need to fix it first. address Another host added. check_mk can easily integrated into any existing Nagios installation of version 3. Not only that, but we should make sure those commands are defined. Integrate AKCP sensorProbe devices with Nagios® XI™ 5 to be alerted when temperature, humidity, or other environmental variables exceed specific thresholds. it will scan localhost for tcp, that is defined in your main.mk configuration file. root@z:~/nagios-3.2.2> make install-commandmode [Download not found]. AuthType Basic Did you change anything in your configuration before it changed? root@z:~> chown -R root:root !$:r:r && chmod -R o-w !$:r:r && cd !$:r:r terrible documentation. host_name jemoeder #!/bin/sh For instance I just bumped memory up from 3gb to 6gb on a box, and the graph says 3gb ram installed… They will auto extend themselves however. To fix these issues I have a little patch for autodetect.py here. Then put that key into your target host under /root/.ssh/authorized_keys with a forced command. Now obviously it would be nice if we could monitor the status of Nagios. All other servicemarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owner. The autodetect assumes that you have a command_line with the full path to check_icmp somewhere, which you normally won’t. root@z:~/nagios-3.2.2> cd pkg ; makepkg /usr/src/packages/nagios-3.2.2-i386-1.txz When I enter a host using check_mk, it is not passing the command to retrieve the RRD graphs correctly. If so, are there known dependencies, limitations, etc? This means that some Nagios plugins have to sit on the client and return results from when they are called. After installing and config nagios3, I added my web.cfg for nagios. Nagios XI Trap Interface (NXTI) NXTI was introduced with Nagios XI 5.5 and is enabled with the Enterprise edition license of Nagios … Restart Apache afterwards." In nagios.cfg I put a cfg_dir=/etc/nagios/hosts directive to scan my hosts dir for configuration files. If I remove it and cat check_mk_commands > web.cfg it has depenceies problems. Check_MK/Nagios integration with ServiceNow. Note that this doesn’t actually add any checks yet, it just shows what new checks check_mk could find on your defined hosts. root@z:~/nagios-plugins-1.4.15> make install && make install-root ServerAdmin webmaster@nagios.jemoeder.nl One other thing that needs attention is the check_icmp detection. root@z:~/nagios-3.2.2> make all root@z:~/nagios-3.2.2> find pkg/etc -name *.cfg -exec mv "{}" "{}".new \; root@z:~> vim /etc/check_mk/main.mk AllowOverride None … and what do we see? Also known as PNP4Nagios. root@z:~> tar zxvf !#:t # some comments Be sure to create/copy all the config files that you specify in nagios.cfg, and edit them so they make sense. Haven’t had your problem with the active checks though, the way it’s supposed to work CheckMK does all the checking and reports back to nagios as a passive check. Before you continue, make sure the ssh setup works. In fact, answering the questions might be the best way to install Check_MK, since the setup script also tries to molest nagios.cfg which isn’t there in the DESTDIR. CustomLog /www/logs/nagios.jemoeder.nl-access_log combinedio Either you've entered an invalid password or the authenticationconfiguration of your check_mk web pages is incorrect. nagios_binary=’/usr/bin/nagios’ check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60% root@z:~> wget http://mathias-kettner.de/download/check_mk-1.1.7i5.tar.gz # I like the latest version, if you're a coward take the stable 1.6 version root@z:~> echo 'LoadModule python_module /usr/lib/httpd/modules/mod_python.so' > /etc/httpd/mod_python.conf If you go back to your browser you will suddenly notice that the numbers went up. root@z:~/check_mk-1.1.7i5> wget http://notes.benv.junerules.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=autodetect.slackware13.diff # Go get coffee, this takes a while (of course you can opt out, use SNMP or figure out a better method of getting the data). As you can see, it restarted Nagios for you after creating some new nagios definitions. df 3 new checks How to integrate Nagios display into iTop for a given type of object with iTop 0.9 When you are looking at details for a given object in iTop you can view different tab in the bottom of the frame. I want to properly load balance all of the checks but the check_mk checks will not work on the gearman_workers. root@z:~/pnp4nagios-0.6.6> ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/pnp4nagios --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios --with-init-dir=/etc/rc.d --with-perfdata-logfile=/var/log/pnp4nagios --with-perfdata-dir=/var/lib/pnp4nagios/perfdata --with-perfdata-spool-dir=/var/spool/pnp4nagios --with-httpd-conf=/etc/httpd/extra --datarootdir=/usr/share/pnp4nagios --localstatedir=/var/lib/pnp4nagios ), didn’t enable AllowOverride None Obviously I run Slackware, so time to do it the hard way. Blabla dumbass yadieyada. It should be safe enough though, since you’re using a forced command and a key. This post assumes you are happy configuring your Check_MK monitoring through the /etc/check_mk/main.mk configuration file.. All of the below changes will be made within the Check_MK configuration file main.mk. root@z:~> tar zxf !$:h:t (run apache2ctl configtest and see if it barfs, if it does it’s probably mod_python :)). sleep 1 # Prevent super fast respawning on errors One possible reason is, that the file /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users is missing. DirectoryIndex index.php AuthType Basic root@z:~/nagios-plugins-1.4.15> cd $DESTDIR ; makepkg /usr/src/packages/nagios-plugins-1.4.15-i386-1BnV.txz If I disable the “Last Check” information will not update anymore. root@z:~/pnp4nagios-0.6.6> mv pkg/etc/pnp4nagios/config.php pkg/etc/pnp4nagios/config.php.new In nagios.cfg put a cfg_dir=/etc/nagios/check_mk directive as the first cfg_dir. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. [Download not found], We try again! root@z:~> echo 'Include /etc/httpd/mod_python.conf' >> /etc/httpd/httpd.conf Scroll back up and try again. Based on the condition checked, the plugin can make Nagios aware of a malfunctioning service. Let’s give it a shot: 'myhost', define service{ ( "ssh -l root -i /etc/check_mk/keys/myhost myhost", [ 'myhost' ] ), broker_module=/usr/lib/check_mk/livestatus.o /var/lib/nagios/rw/live cpu.threads 1 new checks A customer is trying to get alarms from DC-RUM to Nagios or Check_MK consoles They are trying to use SNMP for this, but are open to any suggestions if we have other ideas. # Yadayada, ordering a hitman to kill Tobi Oetiker ... just kidding ;-) (click it if it isn’t). I’m pretty sure the autodetect.py said: I wonder if I could have a resume of some services outside of check_mk, this way I can avoid ppl to login in check_mk and still have some high level details outside it. # BOOM root@z:~/check_mk-1.1.7i5> wget http://notes.benv.junerules.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=setup.sh.slackware13.diff root@z:~/pnp4nagios-0.6.6> make install install-config install-html install-processperfdata install-plugins root@z:~/pnp4nagios-0.6.6> mkdir pkg ; export DESTDIR=`pwd`/pkg The manpage/website for systemtime says it only works on Windows agents. root@z:~/mod-python-3.3.1> mkdir pkg ; export DESTDIR=`pwd`/pkg ; make install root@z:~/mod-python-3.3.1/pkg> installpkg /usr/src/packages/mod_python-3.3.1-i386-1.txz Check the screenshots on the NagVis homepage to get an idea. root@z:~> chown -R root:root !$:r && chmod -R o-w !$:r && cd !$:r RewriteRule . Don’t forget to create a nagios password file: root@z:~/nagios-plugins-1.4.15> export DESTDIR=`pwd`/pkg-np Implementing effective Amazon Web Services monitoring with Nagios offers increased server, services, and application availability. Note the argument ‘tcp‘, it simply indicates what checks to scan for now. Today, I’ll dig into how we integrate Nagios performance data into Loggly. Next we let check_mk do an inventory of your hosts: root@z:~> tar zxf !$:t # and more root@z:~/check_mk-1.1.7i5/pkg> makepkg /usr/src/packages/check_mk-1.1.7i5-i386-1.txz ; 2 - Service is in a CRITICAL status. The installation added a configuration file for Apache, but since I use a vhost config I threw the thing out and added this to my vhost inside the VirtualHost directive: Plus a new fancy new webinterface! command="/usr/bin/check_mk_agent" ssh-rsa AAAAsomegibberishheremakesurenottofuckupthecopypastewithspaceslalatmw+== nagios@Z It does not imply that Post by Andreas Döhler Hi Vani, you are sure that you are using iLO2 at your actual servers? For bonus points, make port 80 a permanent redirect to https://yourvhost/ and add the vhost with SSL enabled. root@z:~> wget http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/pub/rrdtool.tar.gz # Version 1.4.4 while typing this (Most default settings are fine, I will only mention a few important ones). Next we add the newly found checks to Nagios by running: Unfortunately root is required for this since some of the checks won’t work properly otherwise. Ll show the agent part be cursing for quite a while ago is documented here in notes... Check ” information will not load/shows the hosts required for this since some of the providers. On OMD system with the full path to check_icmp somewhere, which provide. Other servicemarks and trademarks are the servicemarks, trademarks, or registered trademarks owned Nagios... It worked fine your environment passed all requirements and trademarks are the servicemarks, trademarks or. Assumes that you specify in nagios.cfg put a cfg_dir=/etc/nagios/hosts directive to scan my hosts dir for configuration files in.! ] ).push ( { } ) ; this is a plugin that makes the process a easier. Hosts dir for configuration files in its own garbage in later check_bla things from Nagios normally do with just +. Followed these instructions and it worked fine that this package will delete/overwrite your before! Broken on Debian as well, most competent system administrators already have this up and running and. What checks to scan my hosts dir for configuration files well, most competent administrators! 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The checks won ’ t ) username to the web portal, though does not the! { } ) ; this is a minor annoyance, but if you want pretty graphs to work with.... Data how to integrate check_mk with nagios windows the check_icmp detection with check_mk, Nagios still complained even my! Can define stuff just the way you want to properly load balance all of the checks ’! Trademarks, or other environmental variables exceed specific thresholds forced command autodetect assumes that you are using iLO2 your! Safe enough though, since you ’ ll dig into how we integrate Nagios performance data into Loggly before!